Love Quotes: Lost Love 11 | Love Quotes | Romantic Quotes | Biblical Quotes

Sep 5, 2008

Love Quotes: Lost Love 11

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  • "You left me suddenly, but I know some day you and I will once again be together."
  • "I cry because I know he doesn't feel the way I do. I cry because I think of how pathetic I am, and I cry because I think I'll be crying forever."
  • "Sometimes we tend to be in despair when the person we love leaves us, but the truth is, it's not our loss, but theirs, for they left the only person who wouldn't give up on them."
  • "The biggest mistake in my life that I have ever done was to let you go. And, now I realize that you will never come back to me."
  • "Some people say the worst way to miss someone is when they are right next to you and you know you can't have them, but it's worse when you thought you didn't want them anymore and then all of a sudden you realize you can't live without them."

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